Saturday, 28 April 2012

PG At Last

Well, I am here at last! Hello PG! It was quite the journey to get here, an 8 hour drive with my little 8 foot by 5 foot Uhaul trailer (paid for and generously driven by my Dad). It's a strange thing to see the entire contents of you life shoved, with a fair amount of force might I add, into a 5x8 trailer. Pretty humbling to see absolutely everything that you own in one place at one time! I have been here a week today, and man has it ever been a busy week. Unpacking, organising and cleaning cleaning cleaning! Austin works on average 6 days a week, sometimes even doing 18 hour days, so I can totally understand that the last thing he wants to do on his evenings off is clean. All I can say is women out there know what I mean! Our little basement suit is starting to look a lot more like home, even if it still feels like I am just visiting. The reality that this is my house too still has not quite sunk in. Our house is more than I could have imagined in a "first home". The roomy two bedroom with a huge bathroom is suiting our needs quite nicely. The washing machine is something of a bother for me....looking at it I am not sure whether my clothes will come out cleaner or dirtier than when they went in. So far so good! As for the city of Prince George I am not sure what to say. It's not really very exciting. The surrounding area is gorgeous, I am really looking forward to getting some fishing in once the ice is off the lakes. PG itself however, nothing special! Being the hub of the North there are a lot of big box stores to supply all the little towns around here, not many of the little boutiques that I love to shop so much like in Kelowna. Now that my life is settling down a little bit I hope to keep up the blog more regularly. We will have to see how often my high heels get to come out, I have a feeling the snowshoes and cowboy boots are going to get their fair share of use up here and lead to the most written about adventures. Have a good weekend! -Shelby

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